
Student Leadership Awards

Student Leadership Awards recognize the leadership, 人才, 以及地标学院学生对校园和当地社区的影响. 我们的学生在参加各种活动、俱乐部和组织方面表现出色. 

学生, 教师, 并邀请工作人员提名学生或学生组织获得下面列出的任何奖项 这种形式. You are welcome to nominate individuals or 集团s for more than one award. 

  • This award recognizes an individual student, 学生组织, 体育团队, 或住宅社区,最广泛地代表了Landmark尊重的核心价值观, 理解, 安全与诚信.

    Consideration for recognition is based on the following criteria:

    • 通过他们在校园内外的直接或间接参与,促进学院核心价值观的发展.
    • Embraces and supports the core values in their daily life.
    • Evokes the concept of collaboration and community engagement.
    • 重视多样性,激励他人,言行一致.
    • Demonstrates initiative by seeking ways to enrich the future.
  • 新兴领袖奖颁发给一年级或二年级的学生,他们通过参与校园组织为地标社区做出了重大贡献, 体育团队, 住宅社区, or a community service program. 被提名人还必须表现出持续领导和公民参与的巨大潜力.

    Consideration for recognition is based on the following criteria:

    • 通过他们的努力和参与,是否对地标或当地社区产生了重大影响.
    • 表现出对推动地标学院核心价值观和使命的承诺.
    • Achieves significant personal growth as a leader.
    • Plays an active role in an organization, 团队, community or project through participation in meetings, 事件, and organization efforts.
    • 平均成绩不低于2分.0.
  • This award recognizes the effort of a student, recognized 学生组织, 体育团队, 在一个正在进行的或一次性的社区服务项目或计划的发展中,使地标学院或当地社区受益.

    Consideration for recognition is based on the following criteria:

    • Evidence of participation in program development, 规划, 实现, and evaluation of service activities.
    • Evidence of effective use of available resources, 包括金融, 人类, and logistical resources.
    • 服务对满足当地或全球社区需要的影响的证据.
    • 提供服务的个人或机构出具的证明(推荐信或联系方式).
  • 该奖项旨在表彰学生组织在计划和展示项目方面的创新和杰出成就, 住宅社区, 或者个人.

    Consideration for recognition is based on the following criteria:

    • 该项目由一个小组或组织管理,学生们在决策过程中有重要的参与, 规划, 实现 and presentation of program.
    • The clarity and achievement of the program’s stated goals and objectives.
    • 通过电子或社交媒体渠道向校园社区推广和营销项目知名度, 海报, 传单, 报纸广告, 等.
    • Creativity and impact on the campus and local community. 将考虑那些面向不同观众的节目.
    • Effective and appropriate use of college resources.
  • This award recognizes an individual, 学生组织, 集团, 或居住社区,以表彰他们在地标学院和当地社区对多样性和社会正义问题的承诺.

    Consideration for recognition is based on the following criteria:

    • 表现出作为变革推动者和挑战偏见和不公正制度的能力.
    • 通过参与现有的教育机会,致力于有关社会正义和多样性主题的持续教育.
    • 在他们的生活中赞同多样性和社会正义的广泛定义.
    • 参与校园或社区的教育或活动项目和/或活动.
    • 致力于使地标学院和全球社区成为一个欢迎和积极的环境.
  • 该奖项旨在表彰在学术成长和成就方面表现出色的学生, 以及在校园和社区参与方面的卓越表现,并通过他们在校园项目中的领导和参与,为地标社区做出了贡献, 组织, 和活动.

    Consideration for recognition is based on the following criteria:

    • Holds a leadership position on campus in a recognized 学生组织, 体育团队, residence hall or through student employment.
    • 为维护和推进我们的核心价值观和学院的使命做出了重大贡献.
    • Demonstrates the ability to prepare, motivate and impact other students.
    • Maintains a positive image and presence within the Landmark community.
    • 至少有3分.0 cumulative grade point average.
  • 该奖项旨在表彰在一个成功的公认学生组织的幕后工作的学生, 体育团队, 集团, or 住宅社区. This award is given to a student who consistently gives their all, 经常超出职责范围而不期望得到认可.

    Consideration for recognition is based on the following criteria:

    • Works outside the scope of any formal position they may hold.
    • 表现出对组织、团队、团体或居住社区的强烈承诺.
    • Positively influences the community and campus from behind the scenes.
    • Has a strong attendance record at organization meetings and 事件.
    • Completes tasks and duties in a timely manner with a high level of quality.
  • This award recognizes the consistent, 被认可的学生组织对地标社区的积极影响,包括该学生组织在一年中取得的显著成就. This organization will have made a positive contribution to campus life.

    Consideration for recognition is based on the following criteria:

    • 根据既定的目的和目标展示组织的有效性.
    • Commitment towards understanding and addressing student concerns and needs.
    • Dedication to individual and organizational development.
    • Encourages and promotes student input and participation in the organization.
    • 创新服务, 项目, 以及该组织为校园和/或社区发起和提供的项目.
    • Positive and effective relationships with 教师 and administrators.
    • Letter of recommendation or support from a 教师, 工作人员, or community member in support of the nomination.
  • 该奖项旨在表彰为学生组织或项目提供建议的教职员工. 这个人体现了与一群专注的学生一起工作的理想. 他们努力支持学生的努力,同时推进机构的使命.

    Please note: This is NOT for academic advisors.

    Consideration for recognition is based on the following criteria:

    • 担任公认的学生组织或特殊项目的顾问, and has done so for a minimum of one full semester.
    • 通过出色的指导和建议,表现出对推进组织或项目目标的承诺.
    • 通过参加会议在组织或项目中发挥积极作用, 事件 and organization efforts.
    • 让学生对自己的学习和对组织的理解负责, 在提供建议的同时, 鼓励, and support to all students.
    • Relates well to individual students.
    • Is available for others, and is approachable and open to new ideas.
    • Values initiative and student input.
    • 利用不同的和创造性的方法来教育和帮助成员.
    • Serves as a positive role model.