


作为世界上第一所专门为不同学习方式的学生开设的大学, our aim is to improve the experience of these students, regardless of their nationality. 本着这种精神,地标学院欢迎国际学生参加我们的课程. LC has been proud to enroll students from across the globe, 包括南美洲, 欧洲, 亚洲, 澳大利亚, 和非洲. 我们的毕业生继续告知和改进他们在地标学院之后参加的许多不同的项目, 我们的希望是,无论他们最终定居在哪个社区,他们都将成为对学习差异有新的理解的领导者.


几乎所有非美国公民的学生都需要学生签证才能进入美国.S. 在大多数情况下,参加Landmark College的学生将需要申请F-1或学生签证. 下面的清单是为了帮助您了解并遵循获得签证所需的步骤.

Obtaining an I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility)

Once you have been accepted to Landmark College, you should complete and submit Landmark’s version of the “经济资助声明及证明”及“户口核证” 形式. 这些表格向学院证明你有足够的经济资源来支付至少一年的学习费用. Once these 形式 have been received, the College will issue you an I-20.


All F and M students must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. It covers the cost of establishing and maintaining your record in SEVIS. You may not apply for a visa until you pay this fee. Before you apply, make sure your Form I-20 information is correct. 此信息必须与SEVIS I-901费用表上的信息相符. To pay the SEVIS I-901 fee, go to www.FMJfee.com. The SEVIS fee must be paid before going to the U.S. embassy or consulate for your visa interview. (Applicants who are citizens of Canada, 百慕大, 或者巴哈马群岛, or are residents of certain other islands who do not need a visa stamp, must pay the SEVIS fee before appearing at the Port of Entry.)


As part of the visa application process, an interview at the U.S. 14岁至79岁的签证申请人需要大使馆领事证明,少数例外. The waiting time for an interview appointment for applicants can vary, so early visa application is strongly encouraged. 签证面谈预约的等待时间和签证处理时间信息.S. Embassy or Consulate worldwide is available on the U.S. Department of State website at 签证等待时间, and on most embassy websites. Learn how to schedule an appointment for an interview, pay the application processing fee, review embassy specific instructions, and much more by visiting the 大使馆或领事馆网站 你将在哪里申请.

During the visa application process, 通常在面试中, 一个ink-free, digital fingerprint scan will be quickly taken. Some visa applications require further administrative processing, 在领事官员与签证申请人面谈后,哪些需要额外的时间. 也, because each student’s personal and academic situation is different, 申请同一签证的两个学生可能会被问到不同的问题,并被要求提交不同的额外文件.


  • 形式I-20A-B, 学术和语言学生非移民(F-1)学生身份资格证书或I-20M-N表格, 职业学生非移民(M-1)学生身份资格证书. 您需要提交由SEVIS生成的I-20表格,由Landmark College提供给您.
  • Online Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application, Form DS-160. 参观 ds - 160网页 to learn more about the DS-160 online process.
  • 入境美国的有效护照,有效期至少超过申请人在美国的预定停留期6个月(除非国别协议规定豁免)。. If more than one person is included in the passport, each person desiring a visa must complete an application.
  • 一张2x2英寸的照片.
  • A MRV fee receipt to show payment of the visa application fee.
  • SEVIS I-901费用收据.

All applicants should be prepared to provide:

  • Transcripts and diplomas from previous institutions attended.
  • 教育机构要求的标准化考试成绩,如托福, 坐, GRE考试, GMAT考试, 等.
  • Financial evidence that shows that you or your parents, 谁赞助你?, 是否有足够的资金支付留学期间的学费和生活费. 填妥的“财务支持声明和证明”和“账户验证”表格通常就足够了.


Canadian citizens are not required to have a U.S. 签证进入美国,因此,只需要完成上面的1和3f项.

您必须出示您的I-20表格、SEVIS费用收据和在美国留学期间的经济支持证明.S. 入境口岸. 移民局检查员会在你的I-20上盖章,并发给你一张I-94卡,表明你是F-1身份. It is critical that you enter the U.S. in student status to be eligible for the benefits of that status, including on-campus work permission, 可选的实践培训, 等. 如果你进入美国.S. 没有任何文件, 你被认为是旅游/访客身份,没有资格享受这些福利.

As You Arrive at the Port of Entry

Proceed to the terminal area for arriving passengers. Have the following documents available for presentation:

  • 你的护照
  • SEVIS表格(I-20)
  • Arrival-Departure Record Form (I-94). 此表格应反映您将居住的地址,而不是学校或项目的地址.
  • Customs Declaration Form (CF-6059)

所有进入美国的游客必须说明他们希望进入该国的原因. 您还将被要求提供有关您最终目的地的信息. It is important that you tell the CBP Officer that you will be a student. 准备好包括你将要注册/参加的学校项目的名称和地址.


  • Stamp your SEVIS Form for duration of status (“D/S”) for F visa holders
  • 对于M签证持有者,在项目结束日期之后的30天内加盖SEVIS表格
  • 在出入境记录表(I-94)上盖章并装订在护照上

Following Admission Into the United States

Once admitted to the United States, 您需要在SEVIS I-20表格上显示的日期后30天内向Landmark College报到,以注册课程或验证您的计划参加. Failure to do so may result in serious consequences.

Transferring to Another Educational Institution

如果你打算在美国的另一所学校继续你的教育, you must complete and submit a Landmark College F-1 Student Transfer-Out Form. 我们将使用此表格更新您的SEVIS记录并将其发布到转学学校. Please see form for additional details, or contact our office.

问题? Contact us for more information!

For questions about your F-1 visa, I-20, 和SEVIS记录, 请联络地标书院小学指定学校官员:

Vice President of Student Affairs & 校园生活主任

  • 作为一名F-1学生, 你已经获得了在美国的许可,所以你可以完成整个课程的学习. 为了保持你的F-1身份,你必须遵守与你的F-1签证有关的规定.

    1. 在学期开始时与你的P/DSO登记,以确认你的到来.
    2. Enroll in a full course of study every Fall and every Spring semester, 保持良好出勤, 通过所有的课程. If you are planning to drop a course, please contact a P/DSO.
    3. You may work on-campus only up to 20 hours per week per term. You need your P/DSO’s authorization BEFORE you work on or off-campus. This authorization includes any paid or unpaid internships, 实地考察, and practicums required for your major.
    4. 保持护照有效.
    5. 不迟于I-20表上的课程结束日期完成学业,或在当前I-20到期之前与您的P/DSO申请课程延期.
    6. Inform a P/DSO if you change your education level (e.g.从副学士到学士).
    7. 如果你打算转到另一所学院,请填写一份带有P/DSO的转出表格.