


After some technical and weather related glitches, we are back! 

第四天是有趣但潮湿的一天. Our students found refuge in the Museum of Modern Art. Here is Hannah Henry admiring Van Gogh’s Starry Night:

Student with glasses and heat pointing behind her at Van Gogh's Starry Night at the Museum of Modern Art


第五天是学生开放日. Some students decided to venture out on their own, taking a NYC subway for the first time. Despite the rainy weather, the students made the best of their free time. 

Day 6: The weather finally dried up and the sun made an appearance! The students were excited to be visiting the Guggenheim museum where they had a guided tour led by the awesome Missy. 

Group of students outside walking toward Guggenheim


Sketching inside one of the exhibits in the Guggenheim called “Going Dark":

Students seated in various areas sketching sculptures inside a room illuminated with green light inside the Guggenheim museum


Day 7: Saving the fan favorite for last, the Museum of Natural History did not disappoint! When Professor Rowleett later asked the group about their museum highlights, 每个人都有不同的答案, 这很酷. I hope to post some pictures of their sketches at the end of the trip. 

Watching two students wearing backpacks walk down the stairs into a subway station.

Hannah and Isabel taking the first of two trains to get to the Museum of Natural History.


Day 8 was our last full day of the trip and it was an open day for the students. Many in the group travelled in the pouring rain to the cat cafe in Brooklyn where they played with rescue cats and kittens. 在那之后, we headed back to the Oculus where students admired the great white structure, and where we had our last group dinner. 

Students inside the Oculus, a large white structure with roof illuminated in red light

Students posing for photo inside restaurant


I would like to end this blog by acknowledging our amazing group of students. Each and every one of them, at some point during the week, stepped outside of their comfort zones. And even though this was a short trip, I was fortunate to witness student growth which - just like the art we viewed - was truly inspiring! 

